The Gaming Room

Well, you're a curious, clicky little thing, aren't you?

Well, since you're persistent enough to find this room, I feel obliged to provide you with at least some entertainment. You might find the following pages to be pleasant diversions. Of course, I designed and own neither of these, but what do you expect? I'm a pirate.

Answer some simple questions and get your own Pirate name generated.

Treasure-of-Cutlass-Reef - sea battle game.
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* Disclaimer: This site is intended as a character parody. The characters including, but not limited to Captain Jack Sparrow, as well as the title "Pirates of the Caribbean" are TM and ? (or copyright) by Walt Disney, Jerry Bruckheimer and its related entities. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is prohibited. This web site, its operators and any content on this site relating to "Pirates of the Caribbean" are not authorized by Walt Disney, Bruckheimer Productions, or any of its related entities. We are not affiliated in any way, nor do we by fact or inference imply to hold any rights or authorization, rights of association or sponsorship or endorsement of the use of any copyrights or trademarks as held by any individuals, or companies mentioned or pictured in association with any offer, including, but not limited to Walt Disney, Jerry Bruckheimer and its related entities.

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