My tremendous intuitive sense informs me that you may be looking for a certain pirate captain to attend your next soirée. Well mate, look no further. Captain Jack is available for all your raiding and pillaging needs. All right, less pirate-y activities like birthdays, graduations and corporate events are fine too. While it's true there may be other pirates roaming about out there, few work as hard to make your event as memorable as possible. I have been doing this for the better of ten years now, and a professional improv actor for more than 20, so I knows what I'm doin'. Count on that. So without further belay, take a look 'round and feel free to give ol' Jack a call if you need anything. Savvy? By the way, I've hidden some secrets on this first page, so click around and see what you find. Want to find out where I'll be next? Come Visit me and the Rogues' Armada, the mightiest Pirate Crew on the Eastern Seaboard at NEWS This past summer Captain Jack had a chance to meet the one and only Johnny Depp. Here's a photo: ![]() |