"I am bound to Madagascar, with a design of making my own fortune, and that of all the brave fellows joined with me...if you have a mind to make one of us, we will receive you."- -Henry Avery This page differs from all the others on this site in that it is not intended for people looking to hire the Rogues' Armada, but for Pirates who want to JOIN IT! What separates us from any other group is that while we have a specific North East division, the Armada is a fleet of crews, each one a member but flying under their own flag. We do not collect dues or require you to be exclusive. You run your crew as you always have, but if hired through the Armada, we ask that you mention your affiliation and conduct your event accordingly. We welcome to pirates across the world, but in an effort to maintain our standing as the Mightiest Pirate Fleet in the world, we do reserve the right to review applications before making a decision on accepting new members. "So what's in it for me?" you might ask, and rightly so. The Rogues' Armada is intended to be a true brotherhood of Pirate performers. We work both for hire and for charity, careful always to keep the line between the two crystal clear. But mostly we do this to have fun and bring enjoyment to others. As an Armada member we will do our best to promote your company and any events you may be part of, and get your name in front of new clients. In addition, we want to share our common love for all things 'pirate' and meet new mates. If you are visting from another state and happen upon an Armada event, just present yourself as a fellow Rogue and you are sure to be welcomed in. Think of it like an Elks club, except for scallywags. Currently the Armada is promoting its members for free. As bookings begin, we may ask for a small booking fee for any paid event found and booked through us. That fee is yet to be determined and may only represent a small percentage of what you would be paid by the client and would be on top of what you would collect, not out of it. We will be announcing that when and if it should happen, so there will be no surprises. For more information or to join the fleet, send an email to info@roguesarmada.com with details about yourself or your crew and a photo or two. Or, you can join on our Facebook group page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheRoguesArmada/. All submissions there will be reviewed and must allows us access to pictures of you in gear. We hope to have you join our Mighty fleet in the near future! |
Rogues' Armada. Reserved 2013-2015 |